Call: 09-2980341      Email: [email protected]


Save and archive your files / documents / photographs

Our scanning service lets you create digital copies of important documents or photos. Whether you need to make back-up copies or send documents via email, our scanning service up to A0 size, makes it easy.

We will scan and save hard-copy documents or photos, in colour or black-and-white, to disc or memory stick in your preferred format.

Get in touch with the Charisma Copy & Print team to discuss your scanning needs.

Single A4 page Scan will cost you $ 1 & A0 will cost you $ 8.

If you have bulk scanning job, enquire about our special rates on 09-2980341 or email us at [email protected]

Digital Printing

Photocopying / Digital Printing is our core business, and is what we have specialise in.



Our scanning service lets you create digital copies of important documents or photos.
